Thursday, 17 November 2016

ONE person ONE move can mean BIG loss

In 2011 I moved to a community of around 12,000 for a job. In March of 2016 I was downsized from my full time job and started working for myself full time from home rather than part time.

Working from home means I’ve cut back on:

Gas – I don’t need to drive as much
Clothes – I don’t need to wear professional clothes as much
Take Out- I’m on a budget and have everything I need at home
Stationary/Office supplies – Everything I do is on line
Wants…Needs are more important than wants when working for yourself.

In December, I’ll be moving to a community of 90,000. I’ll still be able to run and grow my on line business and look for something full time.

So here’s a rough breakdown of business that will be loosing money with me moving:

Health and Wellness and Appearance Upkeep -  $1000 a year
Gas - $700 a year (I went to one gas station for 6 years)
Independent Local Businesses - $2000 a year.
Other Businesses (Groceries/Car/Misc) $5500

In total that’s roughly $9,200 I put back into my local community yearly,  give or take a few numbers….multiply that by the 6 years I was up here that works out to 55,200…ballpark….for 1 person for various services. That figure of course will vary per household.

I never realized how ONE person coming into or leaving a community can affect the local economy financially. Having said that, all it take is ONE person to move back into a small community to balance it out. Think about it when someone new moves into your community. All it takes is one person to have a domino effect financially. 

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