Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Up and At Em

This is a society where we have now cocooned ourselves into "me me me me"....sad to say but it's true. We feel sorry for ourselves for whatever reason... and yes some of it may be we post it on Facebook, tweet about it and now we even Instagram it and let the ALL of our inner circle know how badly we've been treated or how no one loves us....oh come on admit it we've all been guilty of reading/posting
A few month back I was sitting in on some skating lessons and a little fellow caught my eye. He was on his rump more than he was on his skates the ENTIRE lesson. Not once did he complain "It's to hard. I can't do it" He got off is hiney, stood up.......and instantly fell back down really he did....face first..right on his bum, you name it he landed on it...........BUT he kept GOING.
SOOOOOO we as adults who are older and wiser have the POWER to keep going. Sure we can't control some things, it's all in how we respond
Let's think before we post our woes on social media....yes life can be tough/disappointing and the list goes on....we ALL have our issues in life....BUT we all have the power to Master our own Ships... (You can thank my cousin for the Master our own ship part, she kicked my bum with that phrase a couple weeks ago)

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