Sunday, 11 September 2011


I woke up early this morning to head down to the pier to take some sunrise pictures for my photography group me and a co worker started. It was a quiet calm morning, the only sound I heard was some ducks and seagulls.

10 years ago today it was a morning much like this one. Fathers and mothers went off to work on a beautiful morning in New York City, people settled into their desks for their daily routine at the world trade center....flight attendants were making passengers comfortable. No one knew what would happen that day.

The world watched in horror at the unspeakable events of September 11, 2001. Everyone remembers where they were and what they did and near or far, whether we were directly affect by the events or not, the whole world understood one is precious and can be short. Whether our guys put the toilet seats down that morning or our gals nagged throughout breakfast and our kids threw a tantrum, didn't seem to matter that day.

I don't think I'll ever forget that day, nor will the rest of the can be short......cherish those little moments in never know when they may be gone for good

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