Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Tic Tock

So I said my next blog would be on name calling, however I came across a couple things recently that prompted me to write about time management and making time for things. 

Time management is a BIG factor for any business owner, whether you are the CEO, manager or worker.

My side business is now in its second year, and I’m currently working on setting up a consulting/maintenance service for social media/on line postings. Sure it’s a lot on my plate however 
I always make time for some important things.

1. Answering my e mails. It can be my LinkedIn, my business e mail, work e mail or personal. If people take the time to contact me, I take the time to acknowledge it. I remember what accounts I have and check them. There is nothing worse than getting an important e mail and you didn’t acknowledge it until months later. That’s bad for your credibility. Most social media accounts can now send you a notice or text that you’ve received a direct message.

2. Newtworking! That is a must in any business, big or small. Making contacts through Twitter/Facebook and LinkedIn are great but anyone I meet I take a few minutes and get to know them on a personal level. I find out about THEM and take an interest in what THEY do. I don’t make it about me and how I can benefit them. However I make sure to have a business card on hand and ask if they’d like one.

3. Follow up with those contacts. I make it a habit once or twice a year to send my contacts an email just to say “hi”. I don’t push my side work on them, rather send them a friendly “Hello hope all is well.”  It’s a great way to say “Hey I’m still around” and not to overbearing or pushy.

4. Taking a few minutes to read interesting articles. It does in fact broaden your horizons and views.

5. Spend time with someone and NOT talk about work! You become a very boring person if all you do is talk about yourself and work.

We all have busy lives, and if you have kids, the balancing act can be tricky. Over the past year I have relied heavily on lists, and my date book. Apps are good too and there are several out there that are handy for your cell/tablet, etc.

They key is prioritizing.

 I now prioritize and make the time to do what is needed. If I made contacts one day, I’ll read some article the next, and so on.

If you want to make it work, you’ll make the time!

Monday, 7 December 2015

The Blogs are Coming! The Blogs are Coimg

So I've been told I can write, so why hide that talent??? Coming in the very NEAR future some new blogs, my take on social media and how public figures can help shape our community. Right now I'm currently writing my thoughts on name's not what you think.

Keep Checking! It'll be posted very soon

Enjoy your new week.....

And a quote from "Anne of Green Gables" ..."Tomorrow is Fresh with no Mistakes"

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Yes I'm alive

Dropping by to say hello. This September will be busy. Started a radio show prep and will be returning to school part time for French as a second language. I will be updating this blog however.
